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Nothing is better than enjoying the heat from a fire pit at night during the winter. So, are you in search of enhancing your backyard with a mesmerizing fire pit? Building a fire pit can be an amazing DIY project that introduces warmth, a cozy ambiance, and an inviting space for social gatherings with friends and family. A fire pit acts as an additional versatility to any outdoor location. A brick fire pit, specifically, offers durability, a good aesthetic, and a limitless array of design prospects.

Irrespective of whether your preference is a rustic or contemporary style, there is always a method that will suit your budget. For that purpose, in this article, we have brought you the top 9 brick fire pits designs that can be effortlessly made in so less time! So grab your tools, prepare yourself for action, and let us start this building you a DIY fire pit!

1. Rustic Brick Fire Pit

Rustic Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $150-$300

Steps to Build

Step 1: Preparing the Area

  • Location selection: Select an appropriate location for your fire pit, ensuring it remains a safe distance away from any combustible objects or structures.
  • Preparation: Dig a hole at the designated position. An ideal dept is 2 feet deep and slightly wider in diameter than you intend your fire pit to be.

Step 2: Making the Base and Wall

  • Put a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pit due to the reason that it will provide good stability and well drainage.
  • Form a ring on the boundaries using fire-resistant bricks and stack them to create a foundation for the foundation pit.
  • Make sure you don’t mess up while aligning the pit. It may collapse because of this mistake.
  • Continue adding bricks until the walls of the fire pit are sturdy and reach the desired height.

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2. Octagonal Brick Fire Pit

Octagonal Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $250-$400

Steps to Build

Step 1: Prepare the Area

  • Permissions – Before starting the construction of your octagonal fire pit, it’s crucial to follow a series of essential steps to ensure a smooth and safe process. To start your project, it is important to consult local authorities regarding any permits or approvals necessary for its construction.
  • Tools – Once you get the green signal from your local authorities, it’s time to gather all the materials and tools required for the job. This list usually contains Bricks, Gravel, Sand concrete mix, a Strong shovel, Rake, Measuring tape, and a Level.

Note: The term ‘Octagonal Brick Fire Pit’ refers to a specific design and shape. Please retain this terminology to maintain clarity throughout the guide.

Step 2: Build the Fire Pit

  • With an approximate measurement, dig a 2-3 feet deep hole with a slightly wider mouth than your planned actual pit.
  • Make a layer of gravel or insulating bricks at the bottom to improve drainage and stability.
  • Now start placing the bricks in the octagonal shape, ensuring that they are aligned properly.
  • Keep adding rows of bricks at alternative places to make the structure stronger.
  • As per your wish, you can leave gaps between the bricks on one side for the reason that you can access it easily.

Expert tip: If you find it difficult to maintain the shape, then you may use a string and draw an outline on the ground. It will act as a guide to maintain a proper shape.

3. Round Brick Fire Pit

Round Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $250-$400

Steps to Build

Step 1: Prepare the Area

  • Optimal Airflow – When preparing the area for your round brick fire pit, it is vital to ensure adequate ventilation, allowing for the proper dissipation of smoke. Avoid setting the fire pit closer to areas with limited air circulation, as this can start a fire and compromise the safety of your outdoor fun.
  • Clearing – Begin by eliminating any grass or existing vegetation within the marked boundaries. To create a firebase for your pit, follow the steps below.
See also  15 Outstanding DIY Fire Pit Ideas You Can Finish in a Day

Step 2: Build the Fire Pit

  • Start by digging a hole of nearly 2-3 feet and add a layer of gravel for better drainage and stability.
  • After that, begin placing the bricks in circular shapes. It’s ideal to use heat-resistant bricks since normal bricks have a higher tendency to break while burning.

Expert tip: While constructing the pit, you may add bricks of different colors or flat bricks for decorative purposes.

4. Square Brick Fire Pit

Square Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $250-$400

Steps to Build

Step 1: Prepare the Area

  • Measure and Mark the Square Dimensions – Determine the desired size of your fire pit and mark the square shape on the ground using stakes or markers. Use a measuring tape to ensure that all sides of the square are of equal length.
  • Add Finishing Touches – Once the base is prepared and level, you can add finishing touches to enhance the appearance and functionality of the fire pit. Additionally, you can add outdoor furniture or other decorative items to make the space more inviting and comfortable.

Step 2: Build the Fire Pit

  • Dig a hole to start, take an estimated depth of nearly 2-3 feet, and add a layer of gravel for better drainage and stability.
  • After that, begin placing the bricks in square shapes. After that, use a level to ensure everything is stable.
  • It is advisable to add an inner lining of steel or any metal sheet to improve strength and longevity.

5. In ground Brick Fire Pit

In ground Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $250

Steps to Build

Step 1: Prepare the Area

  • Preparation – Collect all the materials required and choose the preferred place where you want to set this up.
  • Clearing – Now that you have collected the required material and tools, it’s time to prepare the area. Begin by eliminating any grass or existing vegetation within the marked boundaries. To create a firebase for your pit, follow the steps below.

Step 2: Build the Fire Pit

  • Dig a hole to start, take an estimated depth of nearly 3-4 feet, and add a layer of gravel for better drainage and stability.
  • Make sure the area around the excavated part doesn’t have any loose soil due to the reason that we need a tight pit that doesn’t fall.
  • Start by putting bricks on the edges and come to the center. Leave a small place for the burning area.

Also Read: 13 Low Cost Fire Pit Landscape Designs for Your Backyard

6. Hexagonal Brick Fire Pit

Hexagonal Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $250-$400

Steps to Build

Step 1: Prepare the Area

  • Clear the Area – Begin by removing any vegetation, debris, or obstacle from the chosen location. This may include plants, rocks, sticks, or any other objects that could hinder the construction of the fire pit.
  • Fire Safety Protocol – Familiarize yourself with fire safety guidelines to ensure a worry-free experience around your mesmerizing fire pit. Also, maintain a safe distance from the high flames, and carry responsible fire management.

Step 2: Build the Fire Pit

  • With an approximate measurement, dig a 2-3 feet deep hole with a slightly wider mouth than you planned your actual pit.
  • Add a layer of gravel or insulating bricks at the bottom to improve drainage and stability.
  • Now start placing the bricks in the hexagonal shape, ensuring that they are aligned properly.

7. Portable Brick Fire Pit

Portable Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $250-$350

Steps to Build

Step 1: Collect the Material

  • Heat-resistant mortar
  • Sand/gravels
  • Metal mesh
  • Bricks

Step 2: Build the Brick Fire Pit

  • Before you start, know one thing, these are very difficult to move! It is suggested to build the pit at the place where you actually need to set it.
  • They look fancy but are difficult to build. If you choose to build a square one, then you may face minimum issues. However, if you want a fancy shape like a bowl, follow the step below.
  • Start by making a base layer and let it dry. Then add another layer and wait for it to dry before adding another layer. Keep continuing this step until you get the desired results.
  • For additional support, you can support the bricks with wood or metal rods.
  • You may take reference from the image above.
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Expert tip: If you have a busy schedule and no time to build it, you can invest that $250 to buy this portable fire pit!

8. Stone-look Brick Fire Pit

Stone-look Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $350-$400

Steps to Build

Step 1: Prepare the Area

  • Outline – Make an outline of the place where you want to make your brick fire pit. You may use stakes and strings for that purpose.
  • Fire Extinguishing Equipment – Prioritize safety by keeping the essential fire extinguishing tools. Tools like a fire extinguisher, garden hose, or bucket are precautionary measure that helps you to extinguish any potential uncontrollable fire quickly.

Step 2: Build the Fire Pit

  • For this pit, you need to have bricks that look like stones. This is going to be slightly expensive for the reason that these bricks have a higher price compared to regular red bricks.
  • You may build it in a circular shape or rectangular/square one as well. Just make sure you follow the same steps which have been mentioned in the rest of the brick fire pits.

9. Sunken Brick Fire Pit

Sunken Brick Fire Pit

Estimated Cost: $400-$800

Steps to Build

Step 1: Prepare the Area

  • Creating a Basement: Before you start this project, know one thing. Just one individual cannot make it happen. Unlike other situations, you don’t have to make just one fire pit. It is beneficial and economical to hire some experts for this. However, if you are still interested in making it by yourself, start by excavating the area with the help of your friend and any family member.
  • Design and construction: Once the extraction process is done, add a layer of cement and then put tiles of your preference.

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Step 2: Build the Fire Pit

  • To start, make sure you secure a big spot since many people will be sitting here. You can add couch-like benches or carve big rocks for that purpose.
  • The pit building is the same as all the other basic pits. However, there is a need for more effort and money when it comes to setting the area around it.

To Conclude

The construction of a brick fire pit presents an extraordinary opportunity for a do-it-yourself activity, elevating the beauty of your backyard and fashioning an atmosphere perfect for social gatherings.

Irrespective of your preference for a weathered and traditional appearance or a sleek and modern aesthetic, an array of brick fire pit designs will suit your budget. This article showcased a collection of nine distinct concepts for brick fire pits, thoughtfully accompanied by step-by-step guidelines for each individual idea to set up.

The charming beauty of rustic and octagonal to the graceful curvature of the round, square, and even sunken fire pits, matching flawlessly with varying artistic natures, are the best.

One can manage an aesthetically pleasing fire pit by adhering to the provided instructions. Moreover, a personal touch can be put by adding the design with decorative elements, such as bricks with a different color, giving them a distinctive character.

The construction of a brick fire pit allows one to revel in the cozy warmth and enchanting ambiance that opens such an amazing wintery evening!

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Warren Voss


Warren Voss is a respected home improvement and renovation authority with over 18 years of experience. Holding a Bachelor's in Civil Engineering from Purdue University, his career encompasses a broad spectrum of residential and commercial renovation projects. His approach combines aesthetic appeal with structural integrity, ensuring both beauty and functionality in his designs. Beyond his professional life, he advocates for green building practices and enjoys woodworking in his free time, constantly exploring new techniques and materials to enhance his craft. He is passionate about historic building restoration and spends his leisure time hiking.

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