Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE)

Naval Response

Ongoing activity

SHADE does not coordinate naval operations, but seeks to avoid redundancies within naval task forces and independent deployer operations.

Industry Response

Ongoing activity

Industry participates in the SHADE meetings to update and discuss Best Management Practices with the force-providing nations and coalitions.

Plight of Seafarers

No activity implemented or planned

No activity planned or implemented.

Messaging and Advocacy

No activity implemented or planned

No activity planned or implemented.

Regional Capacity

No activity implemented or planned

No activity planned or implemented.

Somali Capacity

No activity implemented or planned

No activity planned or implemented.

Rule of Law

No activity implemented or planned

No activity planned or implemented.


Ongoing activity

An important aspect of the SHADE meetings is information sharing and the exchange of views between stakeholders from force-providing nations, regional countries, international organizations and industry groups. The SHADE meetings are also used as a forum to coordinate and de-conflict ongoing military counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean. SHADE has been used by force-providing nations and coalitions to coordinate and discuss convoys through the Internationally Recognized Transit Corridor (IRTC), options for increased coverage by maritime patrol aircraft, and the threat of piracy in the Bab el Mandeb Strait, among other things. As a result of the SHADE process, China, India and Japan in early 2012 agreed to coordinate their merchant vessel escort convoys through the Internationally Recognized Transit Corridor (IRTC) with one country being ‘reference nation’ for a period of three months on a rotational basis. In June 2012 it was announced that South Korea would join these three countries to further enhance the naval operations against pirates.