Naval Response
No activity planned or implemented.
Industry Response
ITF supports Best Management Practices (BMP) as an effective way to protect vessels and seafarers from pirate attack. The IBF High Risk Area, Designation 2, which is included in the all post-February 2012 IBF CBAs (Article 17, IBF Framework Agreement), requires vessels transiting the Gulf of Aden and the 400nm off the coast of Somalia to adopt increased security measures. The provision of security personnel or security systems must be to appropriately reduce vulnerability of the vessel being attacked by pirates. The sufficiency of such extra security measures must be determined by the vessels physical vulnerabilities: type, size, freeboard during transit and speed. BMP4 is the minimum standard of protection for a vessel transiting the IBF High Risk Area.
Plight of Seafarers
The IBF High Risk Area, Designation 2, which is included in the all post-February 2012 IBF CBAs (Article 17, IBF Framework Agreement), requires that seafarers be entitled to 100% of their basic wage during the duration of their actual transit/stay of the HRA (including the IRTC). In the event of death or disability, the seafarer or their heirs are entitled to double compensation. Except when the vessel is transiting the Internationally Recognized Transit Corridor (IRTC), a seafarer is entitled to refuse transit and to be repatriated at company expense. The Extended Risk Zone (approved in the Revised IBF HRA (March 2011)), grants the entitlements of the HRA, but only commencing on the day the vessel is attacked. Also, any seafarer on a vessel within 12nm of the northern Somali Coast is entitled to double basic wages, payable for a minimum of 5 days (per additional day if longer), plus if a seafarer refuses to transit in the Warlike Operations Area, then the company must repatriate the seafarer with compensation equal to 2 month’s basic wages (note: this designation has been in effect since 6 October 2005).
Messaging and Advocacy
No activity planned or implemented.
Regional Capacity
No activity planned or implemented.
Somali Capacity
No activity planned or implemented.
Rule of Law
No activity planned or implemented.
No activity planned or implemented.