Estacada Festival of the Fungus
Meet Vendors of Mushroom Related Businesses
at Estacada City Hall, 475 SE Main St.
on Saturday, October 25, 12– 4 PM
Try Mushroom Tourism
Horticulturist Steve Schmidt will be joining us at City Hall for the Festival. You can chat with Steve
and sign up for one of his guided mushroom forays. It’s a great opportunity to spend an afternoon in the beautiful Oregon woods with an expert who will show you firsthand the ins and outs of
Meet the Truffle Hunting Dogs
Talented dogs will be on site to demonstrate their amazing ability to find the elusive but truly fabulous truf-fles. Truffles are valued around the world as a food deli-cacy and they might be happily hiding in your own back yard. Meet Jeanine May of Pacific Truffle Dogs and her dogs Isis and JC. Jeanine is available to survey your property or to train your dog to find truffles.
Mossy Rock Gift Shop is a treasure trove of gifts about our natural world. Interesting and beautiful rocks, books, clothing, cards, bird houses and feeders are all available for sale. Owner Marilyn O’Grady will bring mushroom books, carvings and cards to our festival. Find Mossy Rock on Facebook.
Fifth Kingdom Photography will be selling cards and prints of Pacific Northwest Mushrooms.
Truffles Northwest will be here to sell fresh wild mushrooms.