Sarah Palin Debates Joe Biden
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This episode of Red Hat Blue Hat covers the Vice Presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, economic bail out, nearly $1 billion in pork from Barack Obama, and the FDIC insurance increase to help small businesses.
We also touched on Obama’s association with ACORN, early voting in Ohio, Gwen Ifill as debate moderator, and the Sarah Palin book.
Finally, there was some talk of Nancy Pelosi and her future in the Democratic Party, the role of William Ayers in the election, why we both voted for Bill Clinton in 1992, and the slant at YouTube.
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The Barack Obama Drinking Game
If you watched the first Presidential debate, you may have noticed that Obama tends to say “uh” rather often.
Well, the folks over at have created a drinking game based on Obama’s responses during the debate.
Karl Ushanka tried to keep up, but was knocked down for the count with 7 “uh’s” in 19 seconds.
Barack Obama at the first Presidential Debate
The first Presidential debate was interesting in both what Obama said and didn’t say.
It had to be 7 or 8 times that his retort to Senator McCain was that McCain was correct.
While Obama was right in these instances, he didn’t seem to have much depth. Especially after McCain went on for a while about issues regarding Russia. Obama essentially said, “me too.”
The Debate is On
While the work in Washington is at something of a standstill for the financial crisis, John McCain has announced that he will travel to Mississippi for the debate this evening and then return to Washington to continue working.
Here is a statement from the McCain campaign that was released at 11:20am ET today:
John McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign was made in the hopes that politics could be set aside to address our economic crisis.
In response, Americans saw a familiar spectacle in Washington. At a moment of crisis that threatened the economic security of American families, Washington played the blame game rather than work together to find a solution that would avert a collapse of financial markets without squandering hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ money to bailout bankers and brokers who bet their fortunes on unsafe lending practices.
Both parties in both houses of Congress and the administration needed to come together to find a solution that would deserve the trust of the American people. And while there were attempts to do that, much of yesterday was spent fighting over who would get the credit for a deal and who would get the blame for failure. There was no deal or offer yesterday that had a majority of support in Congress. There was no deal yesterday that included adequate protections for the taxpayers. It is not enough to cut deals behind closed doors and then try to force it on the rest of Congress — especially when it amounts to thousands of dollars for every American family.
The difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was apparent during the White House meeting yesterday, where Barack Obama’s priority was political posturing in his opening monologue defending the package as it stands. John McCain listened to all sides so he could help focus the debate on finding a bipartisan resolution that is in the interest of taxpayers and homeowners. The Democratic interests stood together in opposition to an agreement that would accommodate additional taxpayer protections.
Senator McCain has spent the morning talking to members of the administration, members of the Senate, and members of the House. He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt as a designated negotiator for House Republicans. The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.
In related news, Barack Obama was busy hanging out at the gym this morning.
Sarah Palin at the Alaskan Republican Roundtable Debate in 2006
Back in 2006, there was an Alaskan Republican Roundtable debate involving some of the Republican candidates for governor: Sarah Palin, then-Governor Frank Murkowski, and former Alaska State Senator John Binkley.
The video runs nearly an hour, and as you can see, Binkley and Murkowski attempted to make it a two-way debate.
However, Sarah Palin was having none of that, and as we all know, she went on to win the primary and general election to become Governor of Alaska.
For those who think she won’t be able to hold up to Joe Biden, this video gives a look at her fabric and what he can expect.
Obama Refuses to Speak Off the Cuff
John McCain challenged Barack Obama to a series of ten weekly town hall meetings earlier this month where the candidates would answer unscripted questions from voters in the audience.
Sadly, it was announced today that the Obama campaign refused to participate in the series of unscripted meetings.
The Obama camp said they would be willing to do a single town hall meeting on the 4th of July, as well as three traditional debates and an in-depth debate on foreign policy.
Weird. He’s such a great speaker, or so I keep hearing. But he says he’ll only consent to one town hall, and it would have to be on a national holiday when nobody is watching TV.
Senator Obama - why won’t you engage the public in an unscripted environment?
I guess such candid interactions are not in your script.