Barack Obama and Thug Politics
Bill Clinton has referred to Barack Obama as “a Chicago thug” for the way he conducts himself in politics, and he did little to dispel this notion at a stop in Las Vegas today.
But Obama doesn’t want to get his hands dirty. He’d prefer to outsource the thug behavior to his supporters.
As Obama spoke to a crowd of about 1,500, he stated, “I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
I guess Obama figures if you can’t beat them on the facts, you can try to intimidate them.
Red Hat Blue Hat Podcast 12: Democratic National Convention Analysis
The twelfth installment of Red Hat Blue Hat featured Mike Allen, Shawn Collins, Todd Crawford, Sam Harrelson, and Tim Jones.
This installment focused on the Democratic National Convention with a discussion on Hillary Clinton’s speech, Joe Biden at VP candidate, the skill of Bill Clinton’s oratory, and lack thereof from Nancy “Can We Drill Your Brain?” Pelosi.
Also, there was talk of the likely VP pick for John McCain… Hutchison, Lieberman, Pawlenty, Romney, somebody else?
Then, we moved on to some geek talk and the uses of Twitter, and other tools that can be harnessed by political campaigns.
We wound up on the uses of social media by each campaign, as well as which is less in touch, and whether any President is actually in touch.
Episode 12 runs 68 minutes, but we have no plans to recreate ‘68.
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Bill Clinton Lies in Support of Barack Obama
I was watching Bill Clinton address the faithful in Denver last night, and a couple thing stuck out as being particularly truth challenged.
At one point, Clinton mentioned in his remarks that we need to focus more on fighting diseases like AIDS overseas.
Say what you might about President Bush, but he has done more than any other President to fight AIDS in Africa.
A recent opinion piece at details the contrasts between Bush and Clinton when it came to fighting AIDS.
Little things like Bush spending more than three times annually than Clinton ever did.
Bill Clinton also touched on how “they took us from record surpluses to an exploding national debt.”
This mythology is continually reiterated by Democrats, but it simply has no basis, unless you don’t count the end of Clinton’s second term, and the Clinton Recession, which began in March 2000, as documented by Wikipedia.
Using the stock market as an unofficial benchmark, a recession would have begun in March 2000 when the NASDAQ crashed following the collapse of the Dot-com bubble. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was relatively unscathed by the NASDAQ’s crash until the September 11, 2001 attacks, after which the DJIA suffered its worst one-day point loss and biggest one-week losses in history.
If only the Dot-com bubble, which was the basis for the economic growth in the 1990s, had not burst under Clinton, and he had addressed Al-Qaeda during all of the smaller terror attacks in the 1990s, he would have a point.
But the inconvenient truth is that his claims and damning statements were full of holes.
Bill Clinton: Obama “a Chicago thug”
Bill Clinton delivered a rousing speech where he touted his economic victories (forgetting the recession at the tail end of his second term), as well as touting Barack Obama.
It was a pretty sugar coat of his true characterization of Obama, who Clinton has said has the political instincts of “a Chicago thug,” according to the Denver Post.
Bill Clinton believes the Democratic nominee, far from practicing a unifying, transformational brand of politics, has the political instincts of “a Chicago thug,” one longtime associate said. Clinton has told people that Obama allowed surrogates to try to suppress Hispanic turnout in the Nevada caucuses, and played “the race card” in reverse against the Clintons in South Carolina and other states.
Is it any wonder that Bill Clinton is rumored to be skipping town and skipping Obama’s speech on Thursday?