Matt Damon vs. Bill Kristol
One of Barack Obama’s loyal supporters in Hollywood has been called out for his latest episode of liberal inanity in the media.
On Sunday afternoon Weekly Standard editor and New York Times columnist Bill Kristol — in an email exchange with Big Hollywood — agreed to debate Matt Damon on his Hollywood home turf after being informed the 38-year old actor ridiculed Kristol in an interview in the Miami Herald.
“He’s an idiot — he wrote that we should be grateful to George Bush because he won the Iraq war. We! Won! The! War!”
As the sponsor of the event, Big Hollywood is offering $100,000 to Damon (or to the charity or carbon credit of his choice) to publicly debate Kristol at a mutually agreed upon time, date and venue.
Are you up for the debate, Matt Damon? Beware: it could be tricky if all of your lines aren’t scripted.
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