John McCain vs. Barack Obama: Battle of the Kippahs

September 12, 2008 · Filed Under News, Podcasts ·  

On this solemn day of remembrance, the Red Hat Blue Hat podcast discussed the current happenings in the U.S. Presidential election.

We also have a special guest in Shmuly Tennenhaus, founder of, the popular, new fashion accessory… a political Kippah/Yarmulke/Skullcap.

There was some candid chatter about what’s happening today in politics, as well as which Kippahs are more popular, the John McCain McCippah or the Barack Obama Obamica.

McCippah vs. Obamica

There are also some new additions to the Kippah line of goods: the Michelle Obamica and the Cindy McCippah.

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Sarah Palin and the Impact on the Election

September 5, 2008 · Filed Under News, Podcasts, Sarah Palin ·  

Sarah Palin swept onto the national political scene last week, and all of the issues surrounding her are discussed on this podcast.

This political podcast was formerly known as Red Hat Blue Hat, because it had folks from both parties talking shop, but the Democrats have left the building, at least for now.

So this week, you’ve got Red Hat, White Flag.

Have a listen to impressions of Sarah Palin, the scandals, acceptance speech, her past, and how she has changed the Presidential election.

John McCain and Sarah Palin

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Red Hat Blue Hat Podcast 12: Democratic National Convention Analysis

August 31, 2008 · Filed Under News, Podcasts ·  

The twelfth installment of Red Hat Blue Hat featured Mike Allen, Shawn Collins, Todd Crawford, Sam Harrelson, and Tim Jones.

This installment focused on the Democratic National Convention with a discussion on Hillary Clinton’s speech, Joe Biden at VP candidate, the skill of Bill Clinton’s oratory, and lack thereof from Nancy “Can We Drill Your Brain?” Pelosi.

Also, there was talk of the likely VP pick for John McCain… Hutchison, Lieberman, Pawlenty, Romney, somebody else?

Then, we moved on to some geek talk and the uses of Twitter, and other tools that can be harnessed by political campaigns.

We wound up on the uses of social media by each campaign, as well as which is less in touch, and whether any President is actually in touch.

Episode 12 runs 68 minutes, but we have no plans to recreate ‘68.

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Photoshopping in Iran

July 15, 2008 · Filed Under News, Podcasts ·  

RedHatBlueHat, the weekly political podcast where marketing guys from both sides of the aisle banter, argue and debate politics, covered lots of ground in episode 8.

The attempt by Iran to Photoshop rockets kicked things off, along with Vice-Presidential predictions, whether Jesse Jackson is nuts, and some lighthearted talk about which cable news network has the best “newschicks”.

The show runs a compact 53 minutes.

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RedHatBlueHat 6: Fear Mongering

June 29, 2008 · Filed Under Opinion, Podcasts ·  

This week’s RedHatBlueHat consisted of the regular cast of Todd Crawford, Tim Jones, Shawn Collins, Mike Allen and Sam Harrelson. Mike joined the show live from Central Park but lost his connection about half an hour into the show.

With their normal candor and opinionated rhetoric, the cast launched into a rapid fire series of topics from the always strange world of politics. First up was a discussion of the increasing use of technology by politicians and their campaigns to get out the vote, raise money and stay in touch with constituents (and each other). The group also touched on Obama’s iPod selections and the politics of music selection. Surprisingly enough, the segment ended in agreement.

However, that was quickly shattered by the last two segments of the show which delved into the politics of fear and handpicked choice quotes from both the Red Hats and Blue Hats. While confrontational, the middle to end of the show does hit on important themes facing the nation this fall such as trust, racism, and the role of media.

The end of the show comes with a discussion of homeless veterans and what the next administration needs to do to improve the VA system which provides healthcare and social services to our returning service men and women.

The show runs a Texas oil rig sized 78 minutes.

RedHatBlueHat 3: McCain vs. Obama… Just Words?

June 6, 2008 · Filed Under Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Podcasts ·  

The third installment of RedHatBlueHat featured Tim Jones, Shawn Collins, Mike Allen and Sam Harrelson.

This week kicked off with discussions on the recent speeches by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain.

Also, we talked about how Obama’s Hillary problem - how will he deal with her?

We also got into McCain’s address vs. Obama’s speech and their contrast in styles.

Some talk on prospective VP picks, and whether Obama will buck up and accept the challenge from John McCain to engage in weekly townhall meetings.

Episode 3 runs about 75 minutes.

RedHatBlueHat 2: Et tu, Brute?

May 29, 2008 · Filed Under Podcasts ·  

The second episode of the RedHatBlueHat political podcast featured Todd Crawford, Tim Jones, Shawn Collins, Mike Allen and Sam Harrelson.

This week we touched on Obama’s favorite new book, “What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception,” by former Bush loyalist, Scott McClellan.

We also talked about gas prices, how to bring them down, and wondered why Nancy Pelosi’s plan to solve the gas issue, touted by her in 2006, still hasn’t materialized.

Then we moved on to the Democrat mess in Florida and Michigan and whether every vote will count.

Plus, some speculation over VP candidates for both parties.

Then there was a chat on the impact of Hillary making the RFK assassination comment last week, and the way the mainstream media neglected to mention Obama’s allusion to a Hillary assassination.

Lastly, we touched on the need to lower spending by the Federal government, and Obama’s latest gaffe regarding his “uncle” liberating Auschwitz.

Episode 2 runs an hour and features the new Obama campaign theme song.

RedHatBlueHat 1: Who’s Wright and Who’s Left?

May 16, 2008 · Filed Under Podcasts ·  

This is the first installment of a new, political podcast called RedHatBlueHat where Democrats and Republicans debate political issues.

Listen to other episodes of RedHatBlueHat at