Sarah Palin Email Account Hacked
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Hackers broke into Sarah Palin’s email account, according to the Associated Press.
Hackers broke into the Yahoo! e-mail account that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin used for official business as Alaska’s governor, revealing as evidence a few inconsequential personal messages she has received since John McCain selected her as his running mate.
“This is a shocking invasion of the governor’s privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these e-mails will destroy them,” the McCain campaign said in a statement.
I agree that it’s an invasion of privacy, and I think it’s further deplorable that so many sites are republishing Governor Palin’s personal emails, contact list, photos, etc.
The AP indicated that the Secret Service requested copies of the leaked emails. The AP did not comply, but it’s not really necessary - I just found copies of them in multiple sites easily.
The account has been deleted, but seems to think displaying private information on their site is somehow newsworthy, based on their post…
“Here are the screenshots of the emails saved before the account went dark, along with the contact list. It’s newsworthy and we will not be taking it down!”
They have some twisted definition of newsworthy to post this private information. Lame.
Barack Obama #2 Recipient of Campaign Cash from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
The collapse this week of Lehman Brothers’ is traced back to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two big mortgage banks that got a federal bailout a few weeks ago.
It turns out that the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae used huge lobbying budgets and political contributions to keep regulators off their backs, and the #2 recipient of these funds was Barack Obama, according to Center for Responsive Politics.
It’s jaw-dropping that Obama has collected such a sum in his short four years in office, as this tally covers all of contributions to politicians over the past 20 years.
And if you forgot (it’s understandable - the mainstream media apparently forgot), one of the initial members of Obama’s team searching for a running mate for him was former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson.
Additionally, there is a post at the Wizbang Blog, “Obama One of Leading Recipients of Fannie/Freddie Political Contributions,” with a transcript from a segment on Fox News yesterday that provides further details into the role of Democrats in this financial mess.
Now remember, Obama’s ads and stump speeches attack McCain and Republican policies for the current financial turmoil.
It is demonstrably not Republican policy and worse, it appears the man attacking McCain, Senator Obama, was at the head of the line when the piggy’s lined up at the Fannie and Freddie trough for campaign bucks.
Senator Barack Obama, number two on the Fannie/Freddie list of favored politicians after just four short years in the senate. Next time you see that ad, you might notice he fails to mention that part of the Fannie and Freddie problem.
But still we see Obama on the stump as he tries to lay the blame of this mess on the Republicans. I’ve got to wonder - is Obama that duplicitous, or is he really that unaware of how it all happened?
It’s Morning Again in America
In the midst of a banking crisis and Wall Street meltdown, it is crucial to bring the United States back to our land of pride and promise.
This reminds me of the famous Ronald Reagan commercials from 1984 with the opening line “It’s morning again in America.”
We are now in a moment where we need optimism and reform, rather than the blame games and attack ads that are flowing from the Barack Obama campaign.
It’s an interesting juxtaposition if you look at John McCain’s comments compared with those of Barack Obama yesterday.
“There has been tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and Wall Street. People are frightened by these events. Our economy I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult times. I promise you, we will never put America in this position again. We will clean up Wall Street.” - John McCain, 9/15/08
Obama was quick to issue an attack ad (what’s new?) about how he thinks John McCain is out of touch. But what are the fundamentals of our economy?
According to Stuart Varney of the Fox Business Network, the fundamentals of the economy are the basics: unemployment, job creation, and inflation.
Since we don’t exist in a bubble, it’s important to look at these items in the prism of the global economy.
Currently, unemployment is at 6.1%, which is a 5 year high, but much better than our European competitors.
We’ve lost about a half million or more new jobs this year, which is a negative, but again it is much better than our European and Japanese competitors.
And inflation is currently at 5.4%, which can be attributed largely to the cost of energy. As we diversify our energy plan and rely less on foreign energy, the rate will retreat.
Yes, the economy is struggling, and it’s not easy to be optimistic when we see gas prices as high as they are, and housing in a tailspin.
But we need to positive vision and plan to fix the mess. That’s what will fix the economy, not more attack ads that offer venom without solutions.
John McCain is talking about cleaning up Wall Street, and expanding our domestic energy programs.
Obama is reading from his TelePrompter that McCain is “out of touch.”
Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic offers an assessment of the state of the financial system in our country.
Obama’s Totalitarian Paradise
Barack Obama generally likes the First Amendment, except when he is not happy with what people are saying about him.
Just a few weeks ago, Barack Obama was trying to intimidate TV stations from running a commercial about his relationship with terrorist William Ayers.
And now the Obama campaign is trying to dictate which guests are on the WGN Radio station, as reported by the Chicago Tribune.
Chicago radio station WGN-AM is again coming under attack from the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama for offering airtime to a controversial author.
It is the second time in recent weeks the station has been the target of an “Obama Action Wire” alert to supporters of the Illinois Democrat.
Monday night’s target was David Freddoso, who the campaign said was scheduled to be on the station from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Chicago time.
This pattern of attempting to censor should be profoundly disturbing to anybody who values free speech.
TelePrompter for President
Barack Obama has been referred to as an empty suit, but it seems he is more than that… an empty suit with a TelePrompter, according to CNN.
In addition to relying on his trusty TelePrompter to relay all of his thoughts and plans while delivering his speeches, he is also now using the device at rallies and town hall meetings.
But I thought he was the best speaker ever and the genius of a generation… if so, why does he always need a crutch?
Barack Obama Votes With President Bush
The Barack Obama campaign is running their campaign on the scare tactic that John McCain is the same as President Bush. This assertion is based on Senator McCain’s voting record in 2007 where Team Obama touts that McCain votes with Bush 90% of the time.
But what is Obama failing to say?
First of all, George Bush is not in the Legislative Branch, and doesn’t actually vote on laws with McCain, Obama and Biden.
As you (hopefully) know, Congress votes on bills and they go to the desk of the President to either be signed or vetoed.
So, if we are going to be intellectually honest, nobody is ever voting with President Bush.
The numbers we keep hearing are based on votes where the Bush administration had taken a clear position on before the vote, as estimated by the Congressional Quarterly.
The same report from the Congressional Quarterly reveals that Obama voted “with Bush” 40 percent of the time.
Joe Biden voted “with Bush” 52 percent of the time.
It’s also important to note that these sorts of tallies can only count when a Senator votes yes or no on a law.
Obama didn’t vote over 40 percent of the time since he’s been in the Senate - that’s 228 of the 568 times he could have voted, according to Project Vote Smart.
Rather than taking a stance on issues, he voted “NV”, which means Not Voting, Excused, Absent, or Present.
Based on the Project Vote Smart records, some areas where Obama likes to avoid having an opinion:
- Abortion Issues - 75% NV
- Agriculture Issues - 86% NV
- Budget, Spending and Taxes - 54% NV
- Business and Consumers - 47% NV
- Civil Liberties and Civil Rights - 44% NV
- Defense - 29% NV
- Education - 55% NV
- Energy Issues - 35% NV
- Environmental Issues - 64% NV
- Family and Children Issues - 50% NV
- Foreign Aid and Policy Issues - 56% NV
- Gun Issues - 25% NV
- Health Issues - 67% NV
- Housing and Property Issues - 100% NV
- National Security Issues - 39% NV
- Reproductive Issues - 75% NV
- Technology and Communication - 33% NV
- Trade Issues - 38% NV
- Transportation Issues - 63% NV
- Veterans Issues - 34% NV
- Welfare and Poverty - 64% NV
- Women’s Issues - 67% NV
I’ve got to wonder how closely aligned Barack Obama would be with Bush if he was showing up and voting for a full work week.
John McCain is the Presidential Candidate of Change
There has been a lot of talk about which Presidential candidate, John McCain or Barack Obama, can usher in change in Washington.
If we look at how many times each candidate has engaged in bipartisan legislation, the answer is clear: McCain equals change and Obama is all about the status quo.
Sen. John McCain’s record of working with Democrats easily outstrips Sen. Barack Obama’s efforts with Republicans, according to an analysis by The Washington Times of their legislative records.
Whether looking at bills they have led on or bills they have signed onto, Mr. McCain has reached across the aisle far more frequently and with more members than Mr. Obama since the latter came to the Senate in 2005.
In fact, by several measures, Mr. McCain has been more likely to team up with Democrats than with members of his own party. Democrats made up 55 percent of his political partners over the last two Congresses, including on the tough issues of campaign finance and global warming. For Mr. Obama, Republicans were only 13 percent of his co-sponsors during his time in the Senate, and he had his biggest bipartisan successes on noncontroversial measures, such as issuing a postage stamp in honor of civil rights icon Rosa Parks.
Maybe the Obama that Obama knows now isn’t the Obama he’s been since he started in the Senate.
Whoopi to McCain: “Should I be worried about being a slave?”
There was an exchange on the View the other day, when John McCain was a guest, that was just ridiculous and inflammatory:
John McCain: My interpretation of the Constitution of the United States is that the United States Supreme Court enforces the Constitution of the United States and does not legislate nor invent areas that are responsibilities, according to the Constitution, of the legislative branch.
Elizabeth Hasselbeck: So it was in how the law came up, it was in how Roe v. Wade came apart was the issue. You, you want it to be through the Constitution from the people not from the bench.
John McCain: And I believe that if Roe v. Wade were overturned, then the states would make these decisions.
Whoopi Goldberg: Sir.
John McCain: Yes?
Whoopi Goldberg: Can you just, and I don’t want to misinterpret what you’re saying. Did you say you wanted strict Constitutionalists? Because that, that-
John McCain: No, I want people who interpret the Constitution of the United States the way our founding fathers envision-
Whoopi Goldberg: Does that-
John McCain: -for them to do.
Whoopi Goldberg: Should I be worried about being a slave, about being returned to slavery because certain things happened in the Constitution that you had to change.
I can’t figure out if this is the ignorance on the part of Whoopi, or if she’s just trying to plant seeds in the minds of voters who don’t know better.
But I think she is probably aware that our founding fathers built in a process for amending the constitution.
And this process has been used 27 times, including the 13th Amendment in 1865: Abolition of slavery.
John McCain is discussing how it is contrary to the way our government was set up for judges to legislate from the bench.
Obama Plagiarizes a Cartoon
There has been a lot of talk about Barack Obama’s speech this past Tuesday when he made the lipstick on a pig crack, but the words that preceded the famous phrase deserve equal distinction, as they were plagiarized, as reported on
The following cartoon by Tom Toles was published in the Washington Post on September 5, 2008:
Here is the excerpt from the Obama speech on September 9, 2008, which you can see and hear on YouTube:
“Watch out, George Bush.
Except for economic policy, health care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy and Karl Rove style politics, we’re really going to shake things up in Washington.”
I guess Joe Biden’s knack for plagiarism is rubbing off on Obama.
John McCain vs. Barack Obama: Battle of the Kippahs
On this solemn day of remembrance, the Red Hat Blue Hat podcast discussed the current happenings in the U.S. Presidential election.
We also have a special guest in Shmuly Tennenhaus, founder of, the popular, new fashion accessory… a political Kippah/Yarmulke/Skullcap.
There was some candid chatter about what’s happening today in politics, as well as which Kippahs are more popular, the John McCain McCippah or the Barack Obama Obamica.
There are also some new additions to the Kippah line of goods: the Michelle Obamica and the Cindy McCippah.
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