The Truth About the Obama Agenda
Robert Ringer has posted an interesting piece from Wayne Allen Root, The Truth About the Obama Agenda.
The article touches on the motives and intentions behind the nationalization of banks and more.
This issue ties in with every aspect of the Obama Socialist Agenda — bailouts, handouts, economic stimulus packages, giving too much power to the Federal Reserve … and let’s not forget tax cuts to people who don’t pay taxes.
Read part 1 at
Part 2 of the Truth About the Obama Agenda discusses how Obama doesn’t intend to help U.S. citizens, but to eventually swap out Capitalism for Socialism.
Read part 2 at
Ideas for Real Change from Barack Obama
Cristy Moore sent in the following ideas for change from the Obama administration, as opposed to the lack of charge marked by the administration to date.
Here are some ideas for REAL change!
1. Limit Congress from serving more than 2 terms.
2. Stop Congress from voting for their own raises.
3. Stop paying for lawmakers’ high-priced insurance premiums.
4. Stop paying lawmakers their full salary after sering just one term or at retirement.
5. Make Congress pay into the Social Security system. If they spent some of their own money, they might be interested in making it solvent.
6. Stop handing out aid to illegal aliens.
7. Secure our borders.
8. Stop allowing babies born to illegal aliens in the U.S. automatic U.S. citizenship.
9. Stop the abuse of our benevolent welfare system. Free everything. What are these parents doing for their children?
10. Have a computer program cross-check Social Security numbers with fingerprints to stop fraud. Voter registration too.
11. Stop ALL unnecessary spending and a) help needy and elderly Americans, b) nation’s security.
12. Stop permitting ID photos with faces covered on driver’s licenses.IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HELPING AMERICA, CHANGE THESE!
Don’t run on change if you’re just going to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.
I haven’t heard any “hope” so far - just fear mongering about the economy.