Blago-gate - Obama’s Seante Seat for Sale
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was apparently trying to sell the appointment to Barack Obama’s Senate seat, and he went barely short of eBay to put it out on the market.
Barack Obama stated today, “I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so I was not aware of what was happening.”
But wait… there’s more.
Just a few weeks ago (November 23, 2008), Obama top adviser David Axelrod told Fox News Chicago, “I know he’s (Barack Obama) talked to the governor, and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.”
Obama transition officials say Axelrod misspoke.
Really? Seems to be an unambiguous declaration.
And another name comes back with this scandal - Tony Rezko.
Recall he’s the convicted felon who engaged in a questionable land deal with Obama and donated money to Obama’s pre-presidential campaigns.
Tony Rezko also donated to Blagojevich in exchange for jobs for his friends and associates, and his wife was Rezko’s real estate agent, too, according to Gawker.
I guess Barack Obama is the one honest politician to emerge from Chicago.
Hillary Clinton and the US/Russia Relationship
Now that we have Hillary Clinton coming on as the Secretary of State, I’ve got to wonder if the move will improve or further erode our relationship with the Russians.
If you recall (you probably don’t - it was barely reported), back in January 2008, Hillary “joked” that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin “doesn’t have a soul.”
Her humor might play well in Manhattan and San Francisco, but I doubt she’ll be invited to tell those sorts of jokes in Moscow any time soon.
No Super Majority for Democrats
The goal by Democrats to achieve a filibuster-proof super majority in the Senate (60 seats) has fallen short with the victory by Georgia Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss yesterday.
Sarah Palin did a good bit of stumping for Senator Chambliss, where she drew large, enthusiastic crowds. So, much to the chagrin of Democrats, the Palin star continues to shine.
The Minnesota Senate race of Norm Coleman or Al Franken is now the only one to remain unresolved.